The right way to write like a writer is not a real thing

I was recently ask by a colleague of mine about my writing. He expressed his interest in writing which inspired me to write the following article.  The word article here is describing an independent or stand alone prose that is part of a larger publication.
          My colleague stated to me that he always wanted to write, but never seem to organize his thoughts in a continuously organic flow that would translate into a comprehensible text, he was unsure of how to get it out in the right order,  to say what he wanted and to get his message accross the way he intended it.  I thought very curious considering the definition of writing is the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing text.  The skill he was referring to was, however a combination of  two.   The other definition is  The activity or occupation of composing text for publication, which this just happens to be.

The idea threw me off for a moment as I pondered how I managed to layout my inordinate, multitudinous, and often superfluous thoughts and words that are perpetually scattered and active throughout my brain and into a comprehensible prose.

My answer to him was " I just do it."  which I suddenly realize is exactly what I speak about, coach on, and insist on when taking on a new task.
Doing it!  If you do something and don't succeed it's not failing, it's a stage, a step, an attempt, but if you fail to act it ends only in failure.  Unless failure is your goal which then doing nothing is actually doing something and you would be successful and therefore not fail.  Think about that one!

Back to my real point.  If you want to do something then do it. Start writing whatever falls out of your brain and into your fingers there isn't always a "right" way.

Think of it like a puzzle that tells a story.  Each piece with a different thought on it.  You dump them out and organize the thoughts into something coherent and fluid that suddenly other people can understand.

There is no correct or proper way to write, only the finished product's intent matters. The way you get there is up to you.

Expanding on the subject; structure also depends on what you are writing.  Technical writing must follow a pattern of chronology according to task, while legal writing needs to be structured specifically and chronologically from inception to finality, meaning the final say should be at the bottom.   From a legal perspective, the last thing legally compliments, finalizes or overrides the preceding, and must contain specific verbiage the very unique legalese.

Human interest articles, such as those you see in the newspaper and like this article, tend to start with an introduction, then go to an explanation, then a closing in the fashion of; present, describe, explain, conclude.

Writing a story, or fiction, is an entirely different animal ( I bet you thought I was going to say story) altogether.  Fiction does not need to follow a pattern,  there doesn't need to be a beginning or an end, nor does it have to follow any chronological path to an explanation or conclusion.  There are many people that argue the point of structure, but some of the best pieces of fiction are hard to follow and leave you in suspense and that is what makes them so interesting and entertaining. Where it is similar to the rest of writing is that there is no procedure for writing them, except for what works for you.  I know many people that write and yet their techniques are all different.  Some feel inspired and start writing.  The words and thoughts start flowing, the fingers start moving and out comes a product.  This method is how I normally write, it is how I am writing this article now.

There are other people who need to plan it out, write a draft,  plan out characters and develop their back stories before starting to write.  Others have an Idea for a premise and develop the story in order of their ideas some even write it backwards, knowing how they want it to end,  how it will get to the end and then work on how it gets to that point last.
As I have stated in this article there is no right way, and if you want to write, then do it.
As a favor to my colleague and anyone else interested in starting to write I have listed links below that can help with some of the elements of writing.

Dictionary -
Thesaurus -
Grammar check- online editor -
An everything tool from grammar to checking for plagiarism-
Writers Digest, Always a good idea to consort with your peers -

Additionally you can do a web search for a multitude of their assistance and I always recommend creating a writers profile and joining the groups pertaining to writing on Facebook, Linkedin, Google Plus, and twitter.

Have fun creating your adventure and then writing about it.


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